Sunday, January 29, 2012

To Wrestle or Not?

To continue wrestling this year or not? Gosh how we have debated that the last two days and cannot really come up with a reasonable answer.

We have the Pro list: Sonny Boy will get more experience in tournaments, and practice. He is at the top of his age range this year, next year he'll be the bottom of his age class. He really likes it. He can continue going to club practice as long as he's competing for no extra charges. It feels like the season is SO short only attending three tournaments where all other sports seem to drag out forever. The season ended on a dud with a third place finish (out of four) and the #4 kid up and left and didn't wrestle his last two matches, including one against Sonny Boy.

We have the Con list: Tournaments get kind of expensive. Entry fees are not too bad but the schlep of driving to where ever, eating out etc. The competition is going to get harder as the season moves on and he is less likely to do well resulting in hurt feelings and a let down with the sport. There is little in the way of additional practice in the area with the exception of the town club who is jammed with wrestlers who are competing and ask that you stop practice if you are not competing. (don't know if that's a pro or con?) All authorities say he is not ready for regional tournaments (I agree) which is really the ultimate goal of wrestlers at this age range. Poor Igor gets dragged to the tournaments and is pretty bored -as are the rest of us when Sonny Boy is not wrestling, which is about 5 minutes out of a 5 hour ordeal.

It's so hard to decide and we really kind of need to decide by tomorrow (the next club practice) We don't want to push him so hard that he dislikes the sport, yet we want to give him the opportunity to excel if he is capable (we believe that he is not a super star but above average, but lacking experience). Throw in the fact that I had NO opportunity to be really good at a sport as a child - lack of opportunity- and you get a whole mess of emotions.

What a middle class parenting dilemma hey?

She can be pinned by an 8 year old while throwing her back out.
The weakest woman in the world.


Sew a Fine Seam said...

HI! I think you left a comment on my paperwhites post.
With the paperwhites i did not have to hide them in a dark place. i think i did read that online but the gal i got them from has started a lot of them and she said to put them out in indirect sunlight. and she said i needed more water on them than i was putting based on what i had read online. it was after i added more water that they actually started doing what they were supposed to!
So if you want to force bulbs i'd try these:) no need to hide them:)

Lin said...

It's crazy. Sports today are such a huge time and money suck. There are no easy answers. I guess you have to go with your heart--and see what the rest of the family thinks, including your little guy who gets dragged to all these things.

You'll know what to do. I think. If not, you figure it out as you go along--like the rest of us.