Monday, May 2, 2011

Downed by ants

Friday afternoon I was putzing around in the yard with Igor tagging along. We were picking up all the little sticks that our trees had found the need to rid themselves of since fall. We were unloading the wagon out in the overgrown area of the park ( a perk of living in the corner is that we all use it as a big compost pile) and I found an ant hill. These were not the little tiny ants but the big honking black ones. Perfect for Sonny Boy's ant farm. I send Igor in to get Sonny Boy and the ant farm and soon I'm trying to figure out how to get more ants in than escape. Those boogers were fast. I sat out on the lawn for a little and when I got up my back was kind stiff. No big deal I thought as did a little abnormal walk into the house. When I got in it was worse but my first thought was I'd been hunched over, I need to lie down flat. I laid down on the kitchen floor and was there a few mins. The pain was getting worse and I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I tried getting up but that just wasn't going to happen. Thank God Hubby was home working in his little office upstairs. I called for him and he quite literally picked me up and I hobbled to the couch. The kids bored with all this decided to go finish picking up sticks and Hubby went back to work while I laid flat on back on the couch. I was sitting there, no TV on or anything and I could hear the TV humming that it was "on" but no show was playing (the kid's had been playing Wii) so I decide to get up, turn off the TV and put my glasses on the side table. TV shut off accomplished I bent ever so slightly to put my glasses on the table and BAM it was like I was being stabbed. I managed go get onto the couch again but this time it was really bad. I sat there for a while and determined this is BAD, way BAD, my back has never hurt like this before. I called the walk-in clinic to check hours and Hubby picked me up off the couch and into the clinic I go. Doctor came in and examined me, had a good laugh that I threw my back out picking up ants, gave me two shots, a handful of prescriptions and told me "no laundry, no lifting, no twisting" . I came home and was promptly out cold on the couch to wake up just in time to have hubby make it to the pharmacy to pick-up the prescriptions before they closed. Two days pass in a druggy haze - really I don't think I was awake more than three hours on Saturday. Today I'm upright again with no real pain in my back just some lingering soreness. The diagnosis was "Acute muscle strain" which doesn't even start to explain how horrible this was. So yeah, I was downed by ants.

It's a good thing I'm back upright today - not only because Hubby had to go to work today but because Igor had to go pick up his SMO's. What a LOOOONG appointment. He was excited because that now meant he could wear his new tennis shoes with sports balls on them that light up. I was thrilled we could throw out his little boots he had literally worn a whole in the toe of riding the little scooter in the driveway. Igor was happy to rid himself of them too because he happily tossed them in the garbage at the orthotist office. We also got rid of the offending scooter by giving it to a neighbor for her grandson to play on when he visits.

Well, I guess that's all folks, that's about all my healing back can handle in this chair.

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