Friday, May 27, 2011

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Ever hear the story about the guy who's house was flooding? Before the flood the police came and told him to evacuate and he tells them "God will save me" The water rises up to his front porch and a guy in canoe comes by to help and he answers "God will save me". The water rises to the second story window a guy in a bass boat comes by and again the man replies "God will save me" Soon the guy is on the roof and an army helicopter lowers him a basket and again he replies "God will save me" Soon the guy wakes up in heaven and asks God "Why didn't you save me" God answers " I sent the police, two boats and a helicopter, what else did you want".

These are things I don't understand. I offer help, resources and research to help people. I'm talking on both small things and big here, and a wide array of circumstances. I do as much as I can to help under the conditions and put the rest in their hands as there is nothing else I can do and the person in need doesn't get in the boat, get in the helicopter basket and take the final step. I feel like the rescuers in the above story. I am frustrated to see my efforts go to waste and I wonder if I should stop.

Two particular instances right now really anger me, I don't want to air family dirty laundry in public, but suffice it to say I've done all I can do. It saddens me that the lifeline I am throwing isn't good enough, isn't enough money, or out right rejected before it's even tried.I don't have allusions of grandeur, that I'm the rescuer that God sends. I don't feel myself pushed by God to do these things, I'm simply trying to help, to be a good person, to be a good family member, and know that I did the right thing when many do not.

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