Monday, March 2, 2009

No Running Away... Yet!

Just a little note to let you know that I have not ran away from home, though the thought has entered my mind in the last few days.

We have finally gotten the kitchen back in order. It looks like a normal kitchen with upper kitchen cabinets - they have been lacking the last few years. We had not wanted to ad them as we wanted to do a very large remodel and it would have been wasteful so we just made do, but with putting the house on the market we needed the kitchen to look a little more standard. Luckily I was able to find cabinets in the city, however it took three trips to get things to work right but at least they were in stock and easy to work with.

FIL came last week and took the dog back with him. The dog will most likely live with a friend of his who has a litter mate of hers. In the last few days we have all had moments of "Where's Callie?" I will admit it will be nice to clean up the dog hair and it be gone instead of reappearing moments later.

Tonight we will start work on the laundry room - laying a little chunk of linoleum and some quick paint, hopefully it won't take too long but if you've ever worked on a 120 year old house you know how that goes.

I can't believe it's March already. This time last year we were in a tailspin getting ready to spend a month or more in Ukraine. Seems like yesterday all that stress was being incurred. Seems like March is always a very stressful month for me. Hubby calls it superstition, however I can name many crappy events of my life that have occured either in March or very close to it and few crappy events that haven't occured in that time frame. Hmmm "Beware the Ides of March" which also is my birthday.

Keep your fingers, toes and legs crossed as Hubby's big work meeting is in the next few days. This meeting will determine our future for the next 6-12 months or longer.

All and all I'm settling, the stress level reduced dramatically with the kitchen being put back in order. Amazing how upsetting pouring a bowl of cereal can get when everything is a mess.

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