Friday, March 27, 2009

10K and other thoughts

Wow, I checked my counter and I'm nearing 10K hits. Are you the one? Check it down at the bottom and let me know who # 10,000 is.

Things are going as normal here. Igor's private speech therapy is looking to be a battle as the clinic I thought I had things arranged with has a waiting list and there are few other options available in the area. I'm checking on things at other clinics and such and we'll see where that leads. However if your a speech language path there are LOTS of open jobs in the SE WI area apparently.

He has had a bump up with speech therapy through 0-3 and their OT is going to evaluate him next week. He's a very distractable kid so we will see where that leads. I hope I'm not going to be dealing with another ADHD diagnosis, however I guess since I've been there and done that it will be nothing new.

Spring is in the air here and I've been trying to get my back flower beds looking decent - both for selling the house and weed control. I let the weeds get WAY out of control back there last summer and they went to seed. I've hauled a couple of van loads of mulch into the bed ( it's pretty big) and still don't have it completely covered or to a good depth. However I have gotten a jump before the weeds so with a little luck they will not take over so quickly.

No bites on the house and few lookers. I'm pretty concerned with the lack of gawkers. I really didn't expect the house to sell quickly but I figured we'd get a bunch of people wandering through. Hubby and I have decided as soon as it looks like his job is stable we are pulling the signs out of the yard. Selling now we will probably end up loosing money on the house considering what we have put in it so we are better off sitting here, though we will likely refinance and take advantage of the better interest rates now .

Well the line for the computer is forming - I think we are going to have to be a two computer family before too long!


Zack, Jenn and William said...

Just wanted to say I was 10001, wonder who the mystery person was :)


Winnie said...

GEE I wish they would have left a comment - had a real special prize for them!!