Monday, February 22, 2010


I bought a different kind of fabric softener than usual and I keep smelling it. It's a nice scent but my nose will not adjust. I guess I need not worry about my clothes smelling like horse after a trip to the barn, the horse smell may drown out the flowers.

The trashy neighbors across the street moved out. YAY, they left so much junk the landlord had a dumpster dropped off this morning in order to clean things up. The yard is horrid, I shudder to think what they've done to the inside of the place. Renters like that make me glad we've been able to keep from having renters in the house up in WI. I know all renters are not like that (we aren't!) but it only takes a couple of bad apples to spoil a whole barrell.

In case you haven't figured it out from my previous posts I'm starting to decorate some cakes now as a hobby. I've always done it some but wanted to get a little fancier with it. Yesterday I found an awesome coupon for 40% off of any item at Michael's. I figured a trip to Michaels was in order to use it and get some more neet gadgets, like a man with tools you can not have too many cake decorating things once you get going. I bought a little set of cutters to make sugar flowers that came along with a book. I got home opened the package, flipped through the book and left it on the kitchen counter. Hubby decided to let Sonny Boy help "cook" supper and Sonny Boy promptly slopped a cup or more of water on the kitchen cabinet, no big deal except for the fact that Hubby didn't bother to pick up the book and is soaked in water for over an hour before I discovered it. Needless to say my new book now looks like it's 20 years old. I'm not a happy camper. I don't even know if it's legible as it's made out of coated magazine paper which tends to stick together. I went through it last night and placed paper towels between each page and pressed it for a while, then ironed the pages to get most of the moisure out, replaced with dry towels and put it between two book for the night. I haven't had the umpth to get up and see how my rescue efforts faired. I am not amused.

Hubby and the boys did scrape the ugly sunflower border off the boy's bedroom walls this weekend. We had intended to removed it when we moved it but you know how that goes. We've been here so long now and gotten used to looking at it so we wouldn't have bothered but for some reason Sonny Boy decided to pick at it and tore up a good section of it so it was either leave it messed up or remove it. Now we have a room with the upper portion painted yellow and the lower paintd and odd color of green with no divide like a chair rail or anything between. I think I will pick up some paint chips and hope to match the yellow and paint the green portion. I'm not in love with the yellow but I don't want to paint the whole room.

We enjoyed a visit from G this week. He came over and ate supper with us one night. It was nice to have another adult to speak with as Hubby and I heard all of each other's stories, and Hubby is sometimes the only adult I have a conversation with for days at a time. Kornfield is not the most accepting town to outsiders, it seems if you have not lived here 20+ years nobody will give you the time of day. I understand why the place is dieing as it does not welcome newcomers what so ever.

Well I suppose that's all for now, I must try to down some more coffee and be a little productive this morning, but in reality I just want to take a nice nap.

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