Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Turn down your Sound!

I've went and done it - I added music to the blog. An eclectic mix I think. Honestly sometimes music on blogs bothers me, but I've learned to just turn down the volume when it comes up but something suckered me into putting it on here. The play list is at the bottom of the page if your curious to what your listening to and if you don't like it, well turn it down.

Hubby started his new job on Monday, after a couple of days of adjustment he's starting to relax a little. Very tired as it's not quite the same kind of work he was used to before, however I'm sure he'll be back in form before long. He hasn't had much time to explore around and get the lay of the land but I'm sure he will soon. We are blessed to have great blog buddies that are allowing us the use of their basement guest suite for a little while so we can hope for a smoother adjustment.

So far the adjustment to life as single parent is going pretty smoothly for me. I'm used to hubby working bizarre hours and the occasional stretch of lots of hours so it more like he's at work a lot lately. I'm sure the real thing will start to kick in next week when he leaves again.

Today we had a showing and as I was madly (and I do mean madly cleaning as I was ready to kill the kids) our real estate agent called and I though geez they are cancelling and I was really ready to steam, however he had another looker for tomorrow afternoon. Thankfully the house will not require too much attention between now and then, I had let things get a little ahead of me for this last showing.

We also have a house stalker - it's kinda creepy to be honest. Ever since we've lived here a guy rides by our house fairly regularly on his bicycle and stares at the house. The elderly neighbor a few doors down had told us he lived her 30 years or so ago so I can understand the interest in the house somewhat. I know we drive by our old houses when we go home for visits. The guy did come to our first open house and was honest with our agent that he was just being nosey and had lived here previously. All of that is odd, however the oddest is that Hubby caught the guy staring at our house from the public park that our yard abuts the other day. Hubby made himself plain to show that he saw the guy and the guy stalked away a little bit and peered through bushes for a while longer. We were discussing this with our neighbors and the elderly guy swears he's strange but harmless. Anyhow I came down the stairs from tucking in Sonny Boy tonight and there he was in the park again staring right at the house. I made myself obvious in the kitchen window and the guy came right to the edge of park and stared at the house some more. Really gives me the creeps, particularly since Hubby isn't home. If I see the guy down there again I'm going to give my neighbor a ring and send him out to see what's up. My neighbor is a pretty gruff guy - nice as can be though - and would probably be enough to scare him off. It's not like I can call the police, what kind of loon would I look like " Uh, there's a guy in the park looking at my house" My thought is if he likes it so much he should buy the stinking place.

I would suppose the news that the RADA vote on the stoppage of adoptions from Ukraine was not put on the agenda is probably old news to most by now. However it was not put in front of the UA parliament and there are reports that it was some rumour mongering among facilitators. As always UA adopting is always iffy and Goodness only knows how long it will continue - hopefully until every child finds a home. I'm sure something is brewing in the backrooms in Kiev, rumours usually have at least a smidgen of truth to them in the long run.

Upcoming post I promise will include a visit to Old World Wisconsin, a possible camping trip and more lawn mowing, house cleaning and flower bed cleaning!

1 comment:

junglemama said...

How strange. I would have been creeped out too Winnie.