Saturday, April 18, 2015

Insomnia Channels

I'm plagued by sleeplessness.  I've tried all the stuff they tell you on the internet and short of tranquilizers, (tried those too) sleep is elusive to me.  Long gone are the days when I would fall asleep in the middle of a sentence and sleep deeply for  eight hours.  Now if I fall asleep within two hours of going to bed, wake up only three or four times, get up twice, turn the fan on, turn the fan off, turn the heating pad on, then off it's an OK night.  All that tossing and turning and my mind spins through thoughts like Hubby when he can't find a TV show that suits him.

Lists Channel- everybody watches this channel sometimes. Grocery lists, to do lists, Christmas lists.  I even have a running mind tally of stuff to google the next time I'm in front of the computer.  I think list stuff is somewhat productive as it helps organize the day and wipes the slate for the next.  The longer the list is, more stressed I am about an event.

SelfDefense Channel -  this is some daydream drama scenario of how I would handle an intruder, house fire, earthquake or possibly some other large scary disaster.  These things always occur while I'm in bed in my pajamas and barefoot without my glasses of course. I seem to have these more when Hubby is traveling for work. Think Lifetime network with me as the star in every movie!  These don't help the insomnia a bit.

What If Channel- I don't think I do this one much, mostly when I am very melancholy.  What if I'd married that old boyfriend?  What if I'd taken that job?  What if ...  Not my style on a normal day.  Only the commercials are in color.

HGTV - I redecorate /remodel my house without a budget!  Yeah only in my imagination.  Generally leaves me disappointed in the morning to find my 17 year old couches still in the living room.

Blog Post - I write eloquent, witty, posts that make people want to come hang out with my sleep deprived self.  (Then I get in front of a keyboard and this drivel comes out). Ever see Book TV?  Even more boring than c-span.


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