Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Window #1 or Window #2

You see we are painting and can't decide on a color scheme. The joy of a 120 y.o. victorian, gaudy colors and elaborate details are the norm. We've driven around town and taken pictures of the houses we like. We stopped one person in their yard and asked and was rudely told "no" we couldn't get the name of their paint colors. I've checked out books from the library and purchased from the internet. We have EIGHT quarts of paint of different hues and have layered them on the side window in a variety of contrast. Hubby doesn't like my scheme, I'm not wild about his. Neither is either one of over thrilled with our own scheme so the debate rages on.

I'm threatening to take our two favorite pallettes and paint them on two different windows on the street side of the house and mark the windows 1 and 2 and place a sign that says 'VOTE" with a magic marker attached to the sign. I mentioned this to a friend who regularly drives by my house (most everybody in this side of town drives by my house often) thought this was a grand idea. After reading all the books and staring at our patchwork mess I'm beginning to think going with the masses seems to be the easiest, we do live in a democratic society and honestly the neighbors and the passer-bys will see the paint more than we will.

1 comment:

shaantio said...

hahaha! That's a good idea. :) Or at least take pictures of what you've already painted and post it on facebook.