Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Well at least...

Well at least we managed a scheduling miracle. Today the CT scan scheduler lady and I managed to schedule Igor's CT scan on the same day as the eye doctor appointment next week. It will be a long day hanging out in Milwaukee as there is a little bit of time between appointments, however at least it won't require driving back into town for another 15 minute appointment. Going to call the lady at the genetic clinic who is supposed to be fighting the insurance for me and see if we can get the blood draw for the genetic work-up while we are there as well then it will be three birds with one car trip.

Thankful Hubby can work from home that day and leave Sonny Boy here to hang out with his Dad (i.e. watch a lot of TV and play too much Wii) but it will beat wrangling two kids all day in a boring place. Not to mention Sonny Boy is much harder to deal with when bored.

That's about it.

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