Sunday, March 30, 2008

just a post- not worth a title

Another pic of the little guy, you'd think we were in Siberia with all the bundling but I think it was near 65 degree F this day.

Well, Hubby and our translator got on the train last night to head to Kiev. I haven’t heard from him yet but I don’t imagine there were any problems. I wonder if he’s going to face increased security as I heard that G.W. Bush is going to be in Kiev next week. I hope it doesn’t delay him at the Embassy as he has a small time window to make it to the airport.

I have now discovered that in Ukraine never wait until most of your laundry is dirty to do it. I really knew this but kept putting it off last week due to lots of running around doing paperwork etc. Not only is my little clothesline FULL of dripping clothes I’m hoping that my underwear dry in time for tomorrow! That’s just my clothes as Hubby took all of his clothes home with him. I don’t know where we would have put his wet clothes as well. I’d really love to use the clothesline I see in the backyard of the hotel, however there is a large dog back there that wants to rip anyone’s head off that goes near the back gate. The dog is chained and I don’t think he gets to the clothesline area I just really don’t want to chance being eaten by that animal. I sure missed Hubby around to help me with the wringing out part last night as wringing out a pair of jeans is quite a feat that needs a man’s muscles. I don’t know how our great grandmothers did it without a washing machine and kids etc. Ugh!

There is little to report here as one day blends into another so I’ll make this short and sweet today.


Anonymous said...

He is beautiful!! Enjoy this time (I know it is hard) as much as you can!

FRUA (newmom2)

Nataliya said...

What a cutie! He's gorgeous!

I hear you about Ukrainian laundry. It wasn't my favorite activity while I was in Ukraine :)

Kevin and Krista said...

Congratulations. He is so cute! I hope that the rest of your trip goes by quickly and that you are home soon.

:) Krista

P.S. I hope your laundry dried as well!

junglemama said...

Congratulations! He is a cutie!

Kris said...

He is just so stinkin cute!!!