Forgive the horrible grammar, spelling etc please. I'm sure it's even worse than usual since I'm typing on my phone. Driving down to Arkansas to my class reunion and I'm suffering from insomnia in a hotel room while the children are not. Not much else I can do in the dark.
I'm excited for the reunion, it should be fun. It is an all classes reunion so seeing people who graduated years ahead and behind me too. 600 people are scheduled to attend which is massive for a school that only graduated 60 or so kids a year. After the big reunion my class is getting together at a local Mexican joint.
Perusing the listing of attending I'm struck by who is not attending. It seems many of the people who didn't leave are not coming. It also striking that those who were the hot shots in school, the jocks, the homecoming court are not on the list. Not all of them of but at least my class and those classes closest to mine.
Things that make you wonder. .I guess I'll see.
Fun times. Sonny Boy just woke up and said " I puked in the bed" after a flurry of cleaning I'm watching him hug the toilet wondering what the hell I'm supposed to do with a puking kid in a strange town in a hotel room in the middle of the night alone. Motherhood makes us warriors.
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