Monday, February 25, 2013

Change your view, change your mood?

I spent the last couple of evenings going back and reading my old posts.  Geez I'm a whiney, grumpy bitch, or at least appear so on the blog.

Realizing this I am going to make a concerted effort to write a post every now and then that doesn't focus on my frustration with Mom and my lack of being able to really do anything about it. 

With that in mind it's really hard to come up with a topic because of course the frustration of dealing with Mom is usually foremost in my mind.

So with random things in mind, here's also minor things that are going on behind all the big drama.

Hubby came home with a new Ipad from his last school adventure a week or two ago.  I've spent time hunting freebie aps to put on it for the kids, mostly learning games.  The problem is that's one more screen I have to battle them about.  It has worked well for drilling Sonny Boy's spelling words as both of us hate that chore and I can load the words on there and he'll do drills with them.  Last week he didn't miss one word on the test and while he usually does pretty well, he generally misses at least one.  The app I like best is Magic Piano.  It's a silly app that straddles the line well between being hard and simple.  I play it way too much.  I understand the aps are money making ventures but I do wish there were more quality aps for free.  I did sprint $2 for a math app for Sonny Boy.  Do you have good aps for Ipad?  Preferably ones that have some learning thing to them?

Reviewing the old blog posts made me laugh, when school started I had big plans to clean out closets, organize and do all the stuff that's hard to do with the kids underfoot.  Ha, haven't done a one.  If I've done anything in the last month it's been hibernate.  I sleep during the day - a lot.  I get up, get the kids fed and off to school (some days that takes a lot out of me) and I crawl back into bed and sleep until I have to get up for some appointment or another.  I don't know if it's the weather, my habit of staying up way too late, the drugs I take for the TMJ or what but I don't have energy to do anything beyond the bare minimum.  I suppose a good amount of depression is in there as well.  Hubby is the same way, any chance either of us can find to sneak off and crawl in bed for an hour or two is taken.

Well I must cut this short.  Sonny Boy just reported to me that a kid at school is calling him "gay".  Where do they get this stuff?  He's only in 3rd grade.  With that discussion I had to explain what "gay" in that context meant.  Lovely, now I'm off to try and word an email to his teacher that doesn't make me sound like a crazy person but takes care of the problem.  Home school is sounding better and better


shaantio said... has a great app to play games with spelling words :)

Winnie said...

thanks, I'll look that up!

Lin said...

Third grade is when the name calling begins. Sigh. And whether or not you home school, there are always gonna be other kids who push buttons and are hurtful. I don't know a soul who has escaped it, unfortunately. Wish we could wrap them up in bubble wrap and never, ever let them get hurt.

I'm in a funk too--I just wrote that to another blog pally. I think it's the time of year--I don't want to do a THING. Blogging is a challenge because all I want to do is b*tch too. Must be the weather, eh?

Winnie said...

Yeah, I realize it's and unfortunate reality of school and it certainly happens to everybody. Though I can't remember calling people gay,(not that I knew what that was) just booger-eater, and stinky, they had "it" something like cooties etc.
I'm not even kidding myself with homeschool. Sonny Boy can already out math me, we would both be learning 4th grade math at the same time!
The weather certainly isn't helping, paticularly when all southern FB friends are posting pictures of green grass and daffodils and I'm lookin' at 4 inches of fresh snow.