Monday, July 2, 2012

Chair Butt

In an effort to stay off the bum foot I've watched so much T.V. my eyes are crossing, surfed the internet till I can't think of anything else worth googling, and napped.  I'm so tired of doing absolutely nothing I'm going nuts.  Who would have thought doing nothing would be so agravating.

I think the foot is somewhat better.  I can put more weight on it, the ankle is still pretty sore.  I decided I'd cook supper tonight and by the time I got the casserole into the oven I was about ready to give in.  The foot was hurting and my good foot/leg was angry about holding most of the weight.  Doctor wanted me to come in if things were not better by today (it's early Mon morning) but I'm not real sure what I want to do.  I think the foot is a little better, but I still have about the same amount of swelling (not a ton, just puffy) and this evening it was hurting quite bad for a while.  I don't know,   I'll play it be ear, or foot tomorrow.

Anyway, I guess I better get into bed and see if I can sleep.  Sitting around doing nothing sure wears a girl out.

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