Thursday, July 12, 2012


I got up yesterday morning and discovered I could not put weight on my bad foot, in fact it hurt worse than it did the day I went into the doctor.  I hobbled around and sat on my rear and decided I better go back to the doctor so I called and while I couldn't get in yesterday I did receive an appointment for bright and early this morning.

This morning my foot was still somewhat sore, but I was able to put more weight on it.  I went into the doctor anyway and she took a look, took some more x-rays - this time more of foot than ankle and then put me in a giant walking boot and gave me crutches and has me lined up to see an orthopedist.  The boot isn't so bad, in fact it's more comfortable than the lace up brace I had because that ended at the most sore spot of my foot wear as the boot holds my whole foot still.  The thought is a sprain, but the ligaments/tendons involved are in my foot as opposed to my ankle.

The crutches are another matter.  After not even a full day of use I have some pretty sore arm pits and I'm tired of the fact I can carry nothing.  I'll be good at least for a week I suppose, if my arm pits hold up but I just can't imagine using the dang things for 4-6 weeks.

I had to cancel the commitment I made to chaperon a day of Cub Scout camp.  I hated to do that, especially with only a week's notice since I had made the commitment months ago but hopping/crutching around day camp just didn't seem like something I was going to be able to do even if I do manage to get off the crutches.

Currently Mom has stepped up the plate and has been a help.  She did several loads of laundry today, dishes and the like.  She has fetched for me a good bit as well.  The boys are my legs and Sherpas and I directed them around the flower beds with water jugs and hoses this afternoon.

Funny you don't realize how many times a day you jump up to do a quick something like open a blind, grab a drink, google something or even go the bathroom until doing so becomes a project.

In other news we are just treading water now.  Mom seems to be doing a little better with the increase in her anti-depressants.  Father-in-law doesn't seem to be doing too well.  He had a scan on Monday and we haven't heard any results from that.  I tough to see him as he's basically unable to eat or hold much of anything down.  I suppose the inevitable is getting pretty close.  Glum as it sounds I need to start making sure the boys have clothes acceptable for a funeral. 

Well, I guess that's all I have to tell.  Since I'm but bound for a while I'll probably manage to blog a little more.

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