Sunday, June 24, 2012

Too much to tell...

So much has happened in the last couple of weeks I'm not quite sure where to start.   The last couple of weeks have been spent "up north" with the in-laws so I haven't been home overmuch.

I traveled "up north" to stay in the camper so the kids could hang out with their grandpa some before he gets "really sick".  Honestly they didn't hang out overmuch but they did see him some.  Grandpa isn't a real hands on kind of Grandpa.   Father-in-Law has his good days and his really bad days, the really bad days seem to coincide with chemo treatments of course, and I ended up taking him to the ER because he was so dehydrated one day.  I don't think the chemo is really worth the misery it is causing him, at best it will only buy him a few months extra time and I think his symptoms could be better managed.  That said FIL is not very compliant with his meds and doesn't seem interested in actually trying to get food down (I know it's hard/impossible sometimes) and he is wasting away to nothing, weighing less than I do now.  The worry is that he will be unable to enjoy the big family campout the end of July.

Mom's house was broken into and pilfered through.  It appears nothing was stolen and we think the fools were scared off by the beeping alarm system that was busy calling no one.  This prompted Mom to get going and she found a renter and left yesterday to go down and start selling junk (which she has already made good progress doing thanks to a facebook post) and she is going to move the stuff she plans on keeping to a storage unit.  I spent the couple of days between me getting home, and her leaving coming up with a good strong lease and all the associated paperwork and helping her determine what stuff she should think about getting rid of.  The hope is to condense a three bedroom house into a one bedroom apartment.  I also took Mom to the doctor on Friday.  I took her to see my regular doc, and she was ordered a slew of tests.  Mom has a charity thing from the local hospital and it will cover all that stuff.  The next few weeks hold a hearing test, a mammogram, an echo cardiogram, and a fun colonsoscopy for her.  Not fun by any stretch of the imagination, however she wouldn't do all this without being forced.  The doctor also increased her anti-depressant meds as well so I hope to see some improvement in that area withing a few weeks or I'll be calling for a med change.

Hubby has been busy with house projects.  I honestly think he's keeping so busy to keep the dire thoughts of his dad at bay.  While I was gone he installed some nice irrigation outlets to make watering a ton easier and today he's setting up a rain barrel system.  We also knocked down our white picket fence yesterday and we are arguing about what to replace it with - it's at the top of a retaining wall so we fear leaping children.

I have been busy it seems taking care of everybody else.  Typical mom stuff I suppose.  With Mom gone south for a couple of weeks to deal with her house stuff ( I couldn't make the trip due to camps promised to the kids and a slew of misc appointments) the stress level has declined considerably.  I surely wish we could float her an apartment. 

Sonny Boy is excited for his two hour football camp tomorrow.  It's a free little camp sponsored by an NFL player who went to high school here.  He should have fun.  After that Cub Scout camp and wrestling clinics and August holds swim lessons.

Igor is excited to go the orthotist on Tuesday because it means new shoes that are like his brother's.  I went to a closer orthotist last time rather than the one the orthopedist told me to go to as it's a pain to get there.  A follow-up appointment with the orthopedist let me know that the new UCB inserts were all wrong.  I go the better orthotist who not only agrees but tells me that new sneakers I had purchased for the new UCB's are now garbage because they are worn unevenly.  Yay, they were expensive too.  Igor is also signed up for preschool volleyball - they play with a beach ball, and swimming lessons too.

Overall the summer is shaping up well, if not too busy.  The really stressful things our not directly under our noses at least for the next couple of weeks and hopefully the household can take a deep breath and recover some.  I've got to run, Hubby's buddy showed up to help with the irrigation project and of course grown men can't work without beer!

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