Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The end of summer

The pool has closed, school supplies are purchased, football has started and school is looming next week.  Summer is over.  It has been a blur, all seasons seem to speed by but this one has been in super sonic mode.  Constantly fretting over the next step in the kitchen remodel, the never ending scratching up of meals and actually having a paying job have taken its toll.  Things I had hoped to do this summer have simply fell away, a trip down to Chicago so the kids could see a "big city" and go the museum, not done.  Not one single night of camping ( though scratching meals in the camper daily has given a camping quality to life) and no trips north to see the in laws there hasn't been too much fun this season.  I hope the kids forgive us.  The boys do admit to liking the large amounts of junk food they have consumed.

Hubby is in France this week.  He called to inform me he could see the Eiffel Tower from his hotel room.  Pfft on him.  I saw the business end of a paint brush for three solid days!  I read on the inter webs that a volcano in Iceland is gurgling and could possibly shut down air traffic like it did a few years ago.  If he gets stuck there I hope all he finds to eat is stinky cheese!  Though we are somewhat accustomed to cheese eating being Wisconsinites and all.

I am so glad school is starting.  The boys really need some routine to their exsistence.  Currently they are both grounded from electronics for various infractions, from the wailing and teeth gnashing one would think I had reduced their diets to bread and water and shot the dog.

Looking through the various bits on the i pad the kids have been playing with...dang they won't upload.  You would find them humorous.

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