Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall is Here

Hey!  I'm still alive and really I haven't given up blogging but finding the time to put up more poorly written drivel is getting really difficult.  In fact I have a whole whopping 28 minutes to do this post before I have to get in the shower and only one cup of coffee under my belt so if I wander from the subject....well you know.

The household has a new definition of busy lately.  Sonny Boy is in the throes of a loosing football season and what proves to be his most difficult year of cub scouts yet.  Igor is thrilled to finally be able to participate in Cub Scouts and he's already set to make Eagle.

Hubby is busy as ever with work having taken an assignment that kept him gone for two weeks solid, one week in Palm Beach, Florida and the other in Paris, France.  Yeah - too bad for him.  He texted me a picture of the Eifel tower lit up at night with a gorgeous full moon, I sent him a picture of the school bus parked in front of me at the elementary school.  The upside with the new assignment is that he will be traveling to France several times in the next year or two and we plan on taking the kids at some point.  There is a distant chance it could turn into some long term postings of a month or two at a time and that could be really fun because I'm definitely taking up the opportunity to live there for a little while.

Me, well I'm busy, busy, busy.  Officially wearing three hats in the cub scout pack, Working - only three hours a day but gee it's amazing that seems to cut into the day - and managing all the other mundane tasks of being a mom and I'm frazzled.

Thankfully some of the chaos will end this week as the last football game of the season is Saturday.  I can't tell you how happy I am to type that.  Sonny Boy has made HUGE gains in his football ability this year, alas he's drawn all the luck of a terrible team and a terrible coach this year.  The coach is really a little over the top and I think he often forgets he's dealing with 3rd and 4th graders.  It's so noticeable that parents from the other 3rd and 4th grade team in town have reportedly been discussing it.  Sonny Boy was even ready to quit a few weeks ago and that was enough to send red flags up because he LOVES playing football, and would play year round if we could find him somewhere to do it.  I explained that this is a life lesson, he wouldn't always have teachers and coaches he likes and sometimes you just have to grin and bear it till it's over, but that I would make sure he didn't have the same coach next year.  (I'm decent friends with a guy on the board) 

Right now we are seriously shopping for a truck.  Pulling the camper with the mini-van makes us nervous as we fear the tranny will drop out from under it on a road trip.  Hubby has narrowed the search down to a couple of different trucks and will go look at another tonight.  Basically it has boiled down to buying a newer truck with fewer features and lower miles versus a truck a few years older with a few more miles and EVERY bell and whistle that can be put on one.  It's hard to make that decision because the bells and whistles are very nice and this will be our main family vehicle (buying a four door truck) and the little luxuries can make a vehicle on a long road trip.  First world problems eh?

I've been singing this little ditty a bit.