Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The dishwasher has been making funny noises for a while.  Hubby looked at it declared it needed work and since it's less than a year old he called the repairman who is supposed to be here on Tuesday.  The dishwasher went to dishwasher heaven last night as the load I ran through it, funny noises and all isn't even remotely clean.  Now I have a full dishwasher of dirty dishes and a counter full of dirty dishes to hand wash.  Nice.

To top it off I have one heck of head cold.  The kind of head cold where you can't breathe through your nose at all and it feels like your sinuses are going to explode out through your eyeballs.  Horizontal is not a position that works at all, but of course that's the only way I can sleep.

Lovely, I'm off to blow my nose and see if I get Mom to help me with the dishes before somebody from the health department shows up.

1 comment:

I HEARD YOU said...

I just randomly came across your blog and i have to admit that it was excellent in in every sense! And about this post, it was gross when you wrote when you had to blow your nose:D,just kiddin'. hope you get well soon:) Keep writing:)