Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday afternoon the boys were out playing in the yard and periodically begging to go the big sledding hill in the park behind our house. Hubby had taken his car seat out to fix the heated seat element and we were working on it in the kitchen floor. Hubby suggested I be a hero and take the boys over to the hill, I stated I didn't think it was the greatest idea as most of the snow had been worn off and it was too fast. Hubby gets the bun warmer going in his car (let me tell you leather seats in WI without a bun warmer are not fun) puts on his boots and takes the boys to the hill for a couple of runs. I sit down at the computer to surf around and hear Hubby outside yelling my name with a desperate sound of fear and freaking out. I run to the back door he's yelling at me to grab the keys and is cradling a crying Igor. I scatter around putting on shoes, hunting keys, purse and coat and run out the door (later at the ER I wondered if I'd left it standing wide open) poor Hubby is so flustered he's not quite sure what to do with Igor, we've all been so trained with carseats and all he's got all the doors open on the van and I think was planning on riding in the way back with him with all the seats folded. Anyhow I tell him just to get in the passenger seat, run around slam the side doors and pull out. In the meantime Sonny Boy has gotten in his seat and strapped himself in. We go the ER which is only about 3 minutes away while Hubby gives a brief description of what happened. I asked " Are you sure it's broke?" his reply was "Look at it!" Igor's boot had come off in the accident so he was sock-footed on the injured leg. Let's just say it was an amazing feat that I didn't puke right there in the van while I was driving.
The rest of the story progresses how you might figure, ER, lots of meds, an x-ray, set the bone, a splint and an appointment today with an orthopedist. Igor picked out purple, Hubby declares it's Vikings Purple.
To tell a tale second hand Igor had already done one run down the hill and was on his second run. Hubby had held on to the sled as there were quite a few kids on the hill and he waited on them to clear out. When the did he let go - Igor says he pushed!- well there was a kid on a snowboard who cut into his path and then fell down and it sounds like Igor t-boned him in the midsection. Sonny Boy cried "Awesome!" and Hubby went running down the hill. Hubby stopped and asked Igor if he was hurt or scared and Igor replied "scared" and checked on the other kid who was already getting up. It was then that Hubby turns around to see Igor trying to put his boot back on a foot that was flopping at un-natural angles. He then scooped up Igor and started running for the house. Sonny Boy figuring out things were indeed not awesome slid down the hill on his rear (we only have one sled) picked up the sled and caught up to his Dad. A long narrative but Hubby declares all this happened in like 25 seconds.
Igor did as well as you could expect a freaked out four year old with a compound fracture of the leg to do. He was more scared than in actual pain and who could blame him as it must have been a slow afternoon in the ER since he garnered a good share of nurses and techs, was hooked up to heart monitors, oxygen, and an IV. He remembers none of it thanks to drugs and we've quietly agreed to not talk about any of the goings on at the ER. After they set the fracture and splinted it Igor settled quickly and it was just a matter of waiting on all the drugs to diffuse so I sent Hubby and Sonny Boy home to get out of their boots, eat, and gather some PJ's for Igor to change into to go home. An hour later he was on the couch watching cartoons. Today they simply took off the splint and casted his leg. The break is through both bones right above the ankle but the ortho said with little kids they had to cast up past the knee.
The biggest quandry is what to do with him in the car? I'm open for ideas.
Pictures to follow, they gave me a CD of the X-rays but I managed to loose them between the Dr's office and the house. My hunch is they are in the van, but it was already snowing tonight by the time I realized it so they will wait.
...and may all your Christmas's be purple.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Waiting to Chill.
Why you may ask bleach? Well I've had a little visitor of the rodent variety take up residence in my kitchen so before I felt comfortable to cook I thought the kitchen needed a good disinfecting. So I wiped down everything with bleach water and still have it brewing in the sink as I plan a second round of wiping down before I roll out the cookie dough and just didn't want to drain it away. In hindsight I probably have too much bleach in the water, but better safe than sorry.
I did set a trap the first day I saw evidence of the little disease spreader, however it was an old trap and he was sneaky. I just fed him a dab of peanut butter that night. The next day however I purchased myself FOUR traps for whopping $1.98 and set them up last night after supper, turned off the kitchen lights and told the kids to stay out of there. The little booger was smart because even after the kids were in bed, and I was reading in the living room he still didn't spring a trap. Later though, as soon as I turned off the bedroom TV and rolled over to sleep I heard the trap spring. I came downstairs to find my nemesis had met his demise. Good riddance. I hope he was the only one. It does seem we only get one or two mice at a time for some reason here, no plagues like we did when I was a kid living in the Arkansas cotton fields. I'll keep the traps out for a few days or so just to make sure though.
Christmas has crept up too quickly this year. I do think I have finished the shopping though. My list has gotten shorter in the last year or two since Hubby's family has decided to stop the exchange of gifts in lieu of a get-together similar to last year's Dells trip. So with the exception of my mother we only have the kids and each other to buy for. Last year Hubby and I didn't even buy for each other due to the craziness of our life. This year we are because it just seemed wrong not to buy each other at least a little something.
So far the plan is to be home for Christmas and leave the day after for the in-laws. I'll likely spend Christmas day baking my niece a birthday cake since her birthday is the day after Christmas. I've been wanting to make a girly cake. Mom will stay south as it's a pretty certain thing she will loose her job the first of the year. Mom works at the city hall in the little town I grew up in and a new mayor was elected in November. The rumour mill has it that he is going to replace all city workers. Mom's job is not political in the least, and a normal mayoral turnover generally wouldn't effect her job. There is bad blood with the new mayor and the city council and it sounds as if he's half crazy as he thinks he's going to have an inaugural parade. The town doesn't even have a Christmas parade, so my guess is it's gonna be one crazy guy riding around town in the back of a pick-up with another vehicle behind. Good luck with that one Mr. Mayor. However she has to wait it out to be fired so she can draw unemployment. Yay, her prospects in this economy don't look good and she's hoping to move up here to be near us. It may prove to be an interesting new year.
Anyway if I don't get around to posting again, here's wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
UG, Holidays
So Thanksgiving will be simple. Hubby had planned with his friend to smoke a couple of turkeys on the big smoker on Friday (we would just do the meal on Sat) however with the huge temperature drop the last few days he has decided against that saying he'll never get the smoker hot enough when it's only 20 degrees outside. So with two days to go Hubby has not called friend who is probably thawing his turkey as we speak. I don't exactly know the plans since the whole idea was for the couple to come over and play cards and hang out while the birds cooked. I don't mind if they still come over of course but it would be nice to have an idea of what kind of groceries to go get, clean the house and the like.
All is well however, I can't complain except about piddling stuff. In an effort to improve my mood and since it is Thanksgiving some things I'm thankful for in random order.
My kids - though they drive me to the brink a lot of days
My Home - not that mold filled, tiny little rent house we lived in last Thanksgiving
My Husband - He's a good guy
Family - who can be counted on in a pinch - though I wish were a little closer to babysit occasionally
Too much to eat
The fact the tornado quiet literally skipped over our town on Monday
I do want to say a goodbye to our neighbor Mr. Elmer. He passed away on Monday morning. Two weeks ago he was out blowing leaves and fell hitting his head hard on the driveway. A neighbor found him upright and talking clinging to the steps. Mr. Elmer's family was called and he was taken to the hospital where he was life flighted into a bigger hospital in Milwaukee with bleeding on the brain. He got better for a few days but then started getting fluid on the brain again. Knowing Mr. Elmer short of dropping dead immediately I'm sure he was happy to go. He was getting on in years, wasn't getting around so good (probably had no business blowing his leaves) and had told us as much. He was a good neighbor and will be missed on our little block.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Igor is trucking along being his normal self. Not much gets him out of kilter except being tired. Unfortunately that's every afternoon since he's in the too-big-to-take-a-nap-but-still-kind-of-needs-one stage. I'll be glad when that's grown out of, it makes doing anything after 5:00 a crap shoot of attitude from the little guy. He did pull the funniest stunt last week. Igor and I were grocery shopping and we ran into his pre-school teacher. He wouldn't even look at Mrs. V much less speak to her and then acted like a little toot the rest of the way through the store which is SO not like him - he loves the grocery store. Even when he's being a toot he's still not bad (nothing on Sonny Boy) so it's easy to ignore and other people just see a pouty lip and hear toddler-ese mumbling.
I took the boys to have pictures taken today. Cripes I've raised some hams. Some of them were quite funny, too bad they were so expensive or I'd have purchased them.
The winter around the corner funk is creeping in. I really do dread all the Christmas preparations. I'd love to come home and find that elves came in and put the tree up and decorated. I know that ain't gonna happen though, I can barely get hubby to drag the boxes up from the basement and I'm pretty sure in the 15 years I've known him he's hung exactly two ornaments on the tree. This year I'm inclined to agree to the humbug. I hope it leaves by Thanksgiving.
Well that's my writing to mean update.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
NYC was nice
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween!
I'll write more about the NYC trip soon. I'm thinking I might try sneak a doze on the couch while Igor watches PBS kids.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Jack of all Trades
The beautiful fall weather we've been having here inspired me to plan a camping trip. I had one last picture of a maple tree, in all it's wonderful yellow glory, to load and blogger disabled picture upload for two hours. If I was really good I'd come back and add the picture, but face I'm not gonna.
Well about Tuesday last week I got the bug bad. Went and purchased a HUGE tent since our former one had really taken it's last camping trip, and started locating our camping gear which was pretty scattered due to the move. I checked out Wisconsin's DNR site and decided that Wyalusing State Park was going to be our destination. I know all this is a little crazy with two young kids and no adults, what can I say, the thought of spending the weekend in the house without a whole lot to do, had me going a little nuts. Things were a little crazy at times (mostly in the morning, which isn't out of the norm) but for the most part things went swimmingly smooth. The only real issue I had, was an inability to shower -which I REALLY wanted- after hiking and huddling up to a smoky campfire. There were decent shower houses there, and they were open, however I didn't have anywhere to stash the boys while I soaped up, that offered me any privacy. So I went a few days longer than I would have preferred without a shower.
Wyalusing State Park had a lot to do and lots of that was hiking. We hiked, not serious hard, difficult trails but certainly long. We arrived on Friday (Sonny Boy was sick, wink, wink) and set up camp in what was probably the prettiest camp site I've ever had that overlooked the Wisconsin River. We then went on a couple of short jumps to overlooks and a small cave that was only a hundred yard hike from the parking lot.
This is also the best I looked all weekend, it went downhill from here!
Near Pictured Rock Cave was an eroded sandstone formation with tons of little mice running around in it. Strangle how less disgusting they are when they are out in the woods and not in your basement.
Other activities that have been keeping the kids busy....ever wonder why they say T.V. rots your brain?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Trudging along...
Sonny Boy is off to school every morning. He's doing quite well but we fear he is bored out of his mind. The homework he brings home is not even remotely challenging for him and he tells us the stuff in class is the same way. Teacher conferences should be coming up soon and I'll discuss with the teacher to at least get him some more challenging reading material. Sonny Boy's math skills are going to soon surpass my own - which sadly are about a third grade level, yes I know Ms. Allen my high school math teacher's ears are burning (she's not dead so she can't spin in her grave) Sonny Boy is enjoying his stint with Cub Scouts. I'm not enjoying Cub Scouts so much, I did not realize the time commitment involved. Ugh. I think kids tend to be overscheduled most of the time now days so we try to be pretty minimal around here. It's hard though when scouts take up one evening a week and then Sonny Boy wants to do wrestiling through the Rec program that starts up in a month or so that will run two evenings a week. That's a lot of time watching 6 and 7 year old boys bounce around.
Igor is doing well and being Igor. He's developed a hilarous gesture of of slapping his forehead in disgust when you tease him. It's quite comical to see the little guy do it so of course we come up with anything we can to elicit this response from him. " Igor your shirt is on backwards" when it is obviously not - that kind of thing. He knows he's funny. A regular Yakov Smirnoff (you younger ones start googling)
Hubby left Sunday for a long sting on the east coast for work training. YUCK, yuck, and double yuck. I'll be single parenting for several weeks now. All the work with none of the fun of dating or being able to ship the kids to the spouse every other weekend. Hubby did send me a lovely picture of his feet in hotel slippers with a view of the football game on the TV between them. Jerk.
Me, I'm trudging along. My mother and a family friend just left this morning after a long weekend stay. It was fun having them around. I do not think I will encourage my mother to drive up anymore. She managed to miss an interstate exchange and was nearly two hours away before she realized it and stopped to asked directions and call me. Then she proceeded to get back on the interstate that she had just gotten off of and go even further away. When I spoke to her I told her to call me when she got to a neighboring town and I would come meet her as there are some tricky detours getting into town due to road construction. When she finally called an hour later she was even further away than the first call. AAAAAK. Anyway by now she finally bought a map (why she was traveling without one I have no idea) so I told her to call me when she reached X. I left the house going toward X and figured I'd be in X about the same time she was. Of course mom didn't call me when she reached X and we passed each other somewhere along the way. I finally had her stop in a bar parking lot and I turned around and went and found her. Well the next morning I sent Hubby to Wal-Mart and guess what mom got for her birthday a couple of weeks late? A GPS. Worrisome. Unfortunately the family friend wasn't much help on the drive as she's in her late 80's and can't see to well currently.
I'm pleased to report I've been headache free for a week now!! You don't know how much better that makes me feel. I went to my TMJ doc last week and she adjustement my mouth gaurd, wrote me a scrip for some medicine and physical therapy. The physical therapy really gets started good tomorrow but I've already been in for the inital evaluation. Mostly the change is due to having a mouth gaurd that is properly fitted and drugs that relieve some of the nightmarish clenching I do at night.
That's it for now, wonderfully busy, sane, boring, and no drama. Yay!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Either Busy or Misery
Therefore when I do feel at least partially human I have so much to do to keep from falling to far behind on everything and at least feel like I'm enjoying life a little. Needless to say I'm busy.
Igor had a birthday as well this last weekend. My little one is now 4. He had a good time, no huge party but he was excited to have presents and a cake.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Just call me " Domestic Goddess"

I'm still caking around. I made this creation the other day, more to try out a recipe for cake than actual decorating.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I kept expecting Pinky Tuscadero
Of course we rode some rides as well, Igor rode this one all alone.
The kids were enchanted with this little guy, he was remote controlled and pedalled around the children's area talking to the kids. Took Sonny Boy hours of pondering, is a robot? It's not a mascot because no one could fit in that costume. Finally he figured out it was remote controlled and somebody must have been in a nearby building running him. He was close, but the guy running him was only about 15 feet away and blended in with the crowd and looked as if he was on the phone.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I suppose you could say the nightmare started yesterday. I woke up with another elephant killer headache. I have migraines fairly often but they do seem to come in cycles, unfortunately I seem to be in one of those cycles right now. FUN. I pretty much left the kids to their own devices you know TV, Wii, DS for hours. Hubby and I had planned to go the DMV to get our car tags and driver licenses done, however at one I texted him to say that was impossible he might as well put a day's work in. However in typical Hubby job fashion he got tangled up and was way later than an average day which figures when I needed him home the most. Anyhow the kids didn't die and I didn't end up in ER (with our short break in insurance would have been a disaster) so the day was a success but a total wipe for me actually DOING anything. I honestly was in my PJ's all day.
Needless to say today was rather booked with errands, school needed to be registered for (that's another raving post) I had to go take some mortgage papers to the bank we are refinancing with, library books due, and of course the never ending need of groceries. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER. Let's just say the evening ended with Sonny Boy going to bed having eaten a peanut butter and jelly for the second time today (it was the fastest thing I could fix and he was lucky I didn't send him to bed hungry!) at 6:00 pm, he'll tell you it was 5:00 but it was really like 5:50. If there was an act of defiance, obnoxiousness, or general being a pain in the ass he hit it today. I hope tomorrow is better. I can't wait for school to start.
Today's rough go really worries me though as Hubby now has dates for his marathon length schooling in New Jersey. My sanity lies in being able to hand over the baton of craziness when Hubby comes through the door after work, and I won't have that for 5 weeks. In days past I would have loaded up and taken extended trips down south to visit my mother and friends, maybe north to visit the in-laws, but with Sonny Boy now in first grade it's not really an option. I'll muddle through but it's going to be a long month - gee that's how long I was in Ukraine! I do see that I'll have to schedule a sitter for at least once a week to keep my sanity, the problem lies in just what do I do when I have the sitter? I'm not really a shopper beyond groceries and necessities, so do I go sit on park bench, hang out in the library with the old people (we don't seem to have homeless here, I think that's just in large cities) or go sit in a bar, Goodness knows there are plenty of them here.
In other wonders of the world, have you discovered Pandora Radio? Google it. It's a pretty neat thing, you can enter an artist you like and it will do a mix of that artist and all artist that are in a similar vein. Maybe it's old news, I do come to things a little late sometimes.
Anyhow I'm feeling the margaritas now and I'm hitting backspace a lot to correct the type-o's so I guess I should finish this and my drink.
...But here in the real world, it's not that easy at all....
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy
This was my creation. They are cupcakes, don't tell anyone but the cupcakes on the back are not decorated, I ran out of frosting and didn't want to make another batch for 6 cupcakes not to mention the color would have never matched. One of the reasons I wanted to practice and getting an idea of how to place the cupcakes in the basket etc. I think it turned out pretty good and I'm pretty proud of this one. Ignore the giant skewers sticking out the basket - that is so I can cover it with a tea towel, I have an issue with uncovered food. So now my kitchen looks like a bomb went off in it, and there is a bowl of blue stuff soaking in the sink that might make someone wonder if I cooked a smurf. The good news is I HAVE A DISHWASHER!!! and a kid who thinks it's quite great to load it. I doubt that will last too long though.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hubby's new job
Speaking of knowing people.... I went to Wal-Mart on Saturday and could hardly shop for bumping into people I knew. I saw at least 5 people I know and of course I looked like something the cat dragged in. Don't get me wrong, NOBODY has ever called me a fashionista or anything but I was really scraping the bottom of the barrel with my appearance. So my first excursion back into hometown society I looked like a bag lady. I bet the gossip at the dinner table sounded something like this :
Mrs. X - I saw Winnie at Wal-Mart today, they moved back into their old house. Hubby got a job back up here.
Mr X - mmm huh, Really, how are they doing with all moving ( I imagine this in an off handed way while he's forking supper into his mouth and trying to watch the Brewer game)
Mrs. X - Winnie said they are doing fine, but I don't know she looked pretty rough, I'm not even sure she had combed her hair and her clothes looked like she had been working in the yard.
I'll have to make sure my public appearances are a little more groomed from here on out. Back in Kornfield there was never danger of actually seeing anyone and if you did, well you looked better than them anyway.
If your a long time blog follower you'll remember my house stalker from last summer well as I was writing the above paragraphs he went by on his bicycle and nearly turned his head completely backwards on his body checking out the house. If I see him down in the park I'm gonna just frankly stop him and ask him what the hell his issue is.
Kids are doing good. Bored and mad that I haven't taken them to the city pool which is right behind our house. Quite frankly I'm just a tightwad and don't want to pay $7 bucks per to swim for a two hour stretch. Maybe if the weather and my sanity holds I'll take them to the lake tomorrow. Igor is settling now, and while still a little nervous about having his own room isn't really scared anymore. Funny is that he asks me every night when I tuck him in " Will you check on me when you go to bed?" I always assure him that I do, mainly to make sure he's not about to roll out of the bed. The next morning he tells me that " Momma you didn't check on me." I'm not quite sure what he expects me to do, wake him up and say " I'm checking on you" too funny.
The unpacking is mostly done with the exception of the office which has a large bookcase to fill with books, a file cabinet to load, a gun cabinet to load and walls I want to paint before I do all that. I'm pondering what color I want to go with in there and need to make up my mind as it's really a disaster and stacked with boxes. I hope I don't have an urgent need for any of the papers in the file cabinet, a particular book or a gun!
Well I'm winded I guess, I can always tell the post I put up when Hubby isn't around as they get long and babbling.
Friday, July 30, 2010
The kids are adapting well. Igor had a couple of nightmares last night which we expected, new room, no brother etc. We hit the floor running at his calls though and he settled back to bed easily enough, some of it was likely overtired as well since we've been on a hectic schedule with the move. Sonny Boy hasn't flinched and has been a video bum because we've let him. MUCH easier to get things done if he's occupied and only one child (Igor) is following you around asking questions at 100 mph.
Probably the worst problem we have encountered is a smelly dryer. Our dryer was simply in storage in the moldy basement and we moved it back and it stinks up the laundry room. I soaked some towels in some strong bleach water and threw them in pretty wet to tumble. I don't know if worked or just burned the bleach smell into my nose. I hope it's not a permanent condition.
Well I must really get back to work before Hubby rebels, honestly I just want to take my shoes off and land on the couch and veg in front of the T.V. but I've got to keep the momentum going or I'll stop completly.
It's good to be home.
Monday, July 26, 2010
A post of pure boredom
Right now we are waiting on hubby to get home and unload his giant toolbox that he normally keeps at work so the movers can take it with our stuff tomorrow. Once Hubby gets home we will go out and get some supper. We are in for a few days of eating out or scratching up food that does not require heating up. Fun. Tomorrow night we will stay at a hotel and drive north on Wed.
So far so good with the move. I tell ya if ya gotta move and there is anyway to afford movers to pack and haul for you do it. I don't care if you gotta sell a child or something, it's worth it. Three guys got here at 9:30 and packed the entire house and garage by 2:30. Granted we don't have a hutch full of china and lots of little nick-nacks but they did in one day what it would have taken me at least a week to do. Unreal. Now we'll see how well everything makes it there and I suspect things aren't packed together like I would have done it, but hey I really don't care right now.
Well that's the update. Exciting huh?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Just Can't Wait...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
So this weekend Hubby has promised to help me empty the basement and go through the boxes down there. Why? Because we had a framed poster that the boys had broken the glass on sitting on the basement floor, Hubby went to un-frame it and throw the old frame and discovered that it had wicked up moisture and grown mold all over it. Now I'm worried that stuff that's in there has done the same. We have most things up on pallets down there and that should protect them but I don't want the movers picking up a box, the bottom falling out, and finding a box full of linens wet and moldy and having to make decisions to toss, try to clean ,on the fly and having a huge pile of "to clean" when we are still looking for our forks.
Today though Hubby is taking Sonny Boy out for his birthday. On the agenda is the Hubble Movie at the I-Max (Sonny boy still wants to be an astronaut) and the Magic House. I don't expect them back till late afternoon at the earliest. Igor and I are going to hang out, go pick a few groceries and maybe do some chores. I hope Igor is helpful with the chores but highly doubt it. He's at the age where he wants to help but really just gets in the way most of the time. I wish he'd take a nice long nap but of course that's really dreaming.
Well better do some chores
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I can FINALLY say
This possibility of this job is what made us keep the house and suffer through several months of payments and not working too hard at renting it. Might have been a disaster for us but things worked out. Now we just have to move. Luckily Hubby's new job is paying generous moving expenses with REAL MOVERS. I've never had that before, they'll even come pack!! I'll feel like the Queen of England and just point to where things go.
There are still a few details to work out with the move. We don't have a specific date yet, but we expect that by the end of the week. I'm starting to make lists of things to take care of, address changes, school records, medical, dental etc. However I'm not too stressed as I know about where I'm going, what's there, who my doctor will be, (though I'm gonna get a new dentist) and all that jazz. May have a few blips with Igor's IEP and pre-school since he should have been registered in spring but hey I know people. he he
I'm so glad to get out of this dump. Unbelievably the landlord has already rented this little house to a family with 4 kids we are cramped with 2 here. I'm only hoping maybe they are a little older and don't need quite the running space that my two do. Today is miserable heat wise. Both window units are blowing full blast and it might be 80 degrees in the living room. Thankfully I can close up the bedrooms to cool it off in there when I go to bed.
Well that's the BIG news. I'll write more when I know more.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Cruel, Cruel, Summer.....
The summer has been cruel. I loathing the miserable heat and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter. The air conditioning is barely adequate here. The boys go out to play and come back in within 10 minutes little sweaty heads having stripped down to their shorts, leaving their shirts somewhere out in the lawn. I don't know how Hubby is managing at work working in that big metal building must be akin to being in an overly large oven. He says he's used to it but I can't imagine adjusting to that heat. Yes, I suppose I've gotten soft, being a native Arkansans I wouldn't even call it hot till we hit 90 and scoffed at people that were miserable if it was anything under 100 but I suppose 5 years in Wisconsin and dreamy summers that rarely made me turn on the a/c spoiled me. Yes winters are long and miserable, but I can always put on more clothes, turn up the heat or otherwise adjust my temperature when it's 10 degrees. I can only be so naked at 100 and I'm there already.
Thankfully to combat the heat a co-worker of Hubby's has offered the use of his pool to use during the week. They live out in a cornfield and it's one of those places you have to look for, I'm pretty sure it won't show up on a GPS. They have a nice above ground pool. The only problem with the pool is it's depth, right at 4 ft, which is the same height as Sonny Boy. Sonny Boy can just barely get his face above water if he stands on his tippy toes and tilts his head back. Igor I put little arm floaties on him and off he goes, but Sonny Boy can almost swim and wants to dive under etc so the floaties are not cool to him so it's a constant watch to make sure neither kid is drowning. Not too relaxing as my idea of pool time is getting in to cool off occasionally and lazing by the side with one eye open enough to keep the kids from drowning. Beggars can't be choosers though so we go for while a couple of times a week.
The other cruel of summer has been this waiting game we are playing. It's wracking on our nerves and has us on edge. I can't reveal the news yet but things look good for a big reveal at the end of the week. The stress in manifesting it's self in some strange physical symptoms that make us worry and then realize what's happening.
I did get a wild hair last Friday and took the boys to the St. Louis Zoo. It was fun, but in an effort to not look too dumpy I wore some flat sandals. BIG mistake. My left foot has not been happy since. I have since gone to the fancy store across the street aka Dollar General and purchased some arch support insoles for my sneakers and have been trying to be good about wearing them while around the house - I prefer bare feet. Doesn't really seem to be helping and I have a hunch it has something to do with my cranky knee that is also making it's self known. Momma always said after 35 it's "Patch, Patch, Patch" and I'm beginning to think she's right.
Well I guess I'll sign off. This has got be one of the most boring blogs on the web lately.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It's been quite here in Kornfield for the most part. The weather has been miserably hot. Can't believe I spent most of my life suffering through sweltering summers in the South and I don't even really think this area qualifies as "the South" in fact I had a waitress in WI tell me I wasn't really southern because I didn't hail from Mississippi or Alabama! Humph, I can drawl with the best, much to chagrin of Hubby. I will say that five years in Wisconsin has thinned it out some, Hubby lost most of what he picked up while living in Arkansas. I'll never sound totally midwestern I'm sure but I will say that in this area I don't seem to be linguistic sore thumb that I am in Wisconsin.
Big things are just around the corner for the Litter. Keep your fingers crossed, I'm dieing to make an announcement but Hubby will not let me for another week or two. In the meantime we are just wishing all the particulars would hurry up.
The holiday was nice. FIL, Hubby, and Sonny Boy all went to the Cardinals game and watched the fireworks through the arch. They roasted in the cheap seats like three peanuts but had a good time. Igor and I stayed home as trying to keep Igor corralled for nine innings sounded about as much fun as sticking my finger in an electric pencil sharpener. Much better that the big boys go. I do wish I could have seen the fireworks through the arch though as that would have been quite memorable.
Overall we are just bored and tired here. Hubby is still working tons, it's too hot to do anything outside. I'd forgotten how boring a hot summer day is. Wisconsin gets hot weather but at least it goes away in a day or two. The kids are watching too much TV, playing too much Wii and fighting a lot. Quite frankly I'm just too tired to care. Not the best parenting strategy I know but sometimes you just gotta have a sanity break. If the weather cools maybe we'll brave a day at the zoo or something soon but I'm not going dragging around in 95 degrees, 80% humidity and a whole bunch of tourist.
We did go see Toy Story 3 in 3D last week. It was cute and had it's moments but it wasn't near as good as the first, I guess you sorta knew what to expect. I don't think they made the best use of the 3d, particularly since we paid a good bit extra to see it in 3d. I do want to see Despicable Me and Sonny Boy wants to go see the space movie playing at the IMAX. I have a feeling the IMAX movie is going to be way above his head but since he is astronaut crazy I may take him or try to talk Hubby into that adventure. The Imax movie gives me a head ache, any movie I actually have to turn my head like that is too much going on in the periphery of my field of vision.
Well I guess I really have nothing to say, just babbling.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
If You Build it They Will Come
However I digress, we arrive in the tiny village of Podunk and find the field. We wandered up to the field which needed a good mowing, but that wasn't the funniest part, the outfield was literally a wall of corn, just like in the movie. The references to the movie ran rampant through the game and we theorized just what would happen if the ball made it to the corn, do you even look for it, or just let it lie and be tilled under? I wonder if a baseball jams up a combine with a corn header or would it be low enough to the ground not to do damage? Hmmm, anybody know anything about farm machinery?
On the way home we take a different route. We come to another little village, very dumpy, ratty and ran down. Hubby remarks he's wandered through there before (he explores around a lot) and calls it a dump without one nice house in the place, as he finishes the statement we pass a sign with the name of the village on it and their slogan. The slogan gave me a good laugh " A village in progress" problem was it was hard to tell the direction of the progress but my guess it was a quickly descending spiral.
Baseball season is coming to a close, thank Goodness. Even Sonny Boy is loosing his enthusiasm for the game and quite frankly I don't blame him. I would think he's getting pretty disappointed by the team's record. While actual score is not kept and none of the teams we have played have put an emphasis on winning the kids know who won, they aren't stupid. Unfortunately Sonny Boy's team hasn't been on the winning side and with one game to go it's not looking promising. I will say I think the team is put up against teams that are quite a bit older than his on more than one occasion. The game last Friday looked like they were playing a Cardinals farm team with a long string of batters coming to the plate and hitting like mini Albert Pujolses (how do you make that name plural?)
I've found a new hobby. Maybe it's a rude one, I don't know. On my last post I made a remark concerning the amazing amount of yard art here in Kornfield. A comment on my blog led me to this blog which I find quite humorous. Of course I had to go out and take some pictures of some of the more embellished houses nearby and send them in. I still have a few houses here in town that I find worthy of submitals The problem is you become very conspicuous standing in front of a house taking pictures so my very favorite yard had me driving by and snapping pictures at 30 miles and hour and I realized today I still didn't get all the stuff in the yard. I'm going to do a stealthy walk by with Igor in the stroller tomorrow and see if I can get it all in with one or two shots and make them much more clear as the blogger does not allow points for angels, saints or religious statues, however I somehow feel Madonnas tackily displayed should be good for something. Tough part was explaining to Sonny Boy why I was taking pictures of stranger's houses and Igor was a reporter to Hubby later in the afternoon remembering just what houses I had snapped pics of. So here's fair warning if you have tacky yard art your fair game. I will need to start taking the camera around though as I saw more than one house worthy of a snapshot and tally. However I feel a walking tour of Kornfield will give me plenty of submissions and a stroller and a couple of kids will give me good cover to get pictures.
Other projects include "The Eating of the Garden" Cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini are starting to trickle in. yum. You know you read all the books that say kids will eat the veggies they see grow and it's really true, they don't flinch and we are generally fighting over the last slice of tomato.
Until next time....
Monday, June 28, 2010
A startling wake-up call
So anyway the cop, the daughter and the irrate elderly lady pow-wowed in the yard for a little while and the cop moved on w/o speaking to us anymore. I'm not upset with the elderly lady, it's pretty apparent that dementia is setting in pretty hard. However I thought the daughter would have come over and offered and apology, maybe her phone number in case her mother does something similar again as honestly it wasn't really anything the cops needed to get involved with, and alerting her to mom sitting on the porch in the miserable heat might have been a good idea in retrospect.
So in case your taking tally of the neighborhood. One dementia addled elderly lady on one side of us, a lazy trashy (literally doesn't pick up trash) and lets the yard grow, I itch to use a weed eater there on the other, across the street are new neighbors who seem pretty quiet, haven't had issues with them (WAY better than previous tenants) but my landlord did tell me their teenage son was kicked out of school for calling in a bomb threat. A couple of houses down is a house I'm have a good hunch is a prospect for the show hoarders and the entire block looks like a disply of every tacky yard animal that is sold at Wal-Mart. I love this town.